The consist of equipment
Antenna + LNB + TV4U-4S/C transmodulator.
- What is the transmodulation from satellite TV standard to cable TV standard?
LEADER MULTIMEDIA is broadcasting the signal in the range of 3.7 GHz. The signal is received via a small satellite dish and LNB. Signal in the 950MHz…1050MHz range is in output of the LNB.
In general, cable network of offices and hotels is designed to operate at frequencies up to 900 MHz in new buildings and 300 MHz in old buildings.
Unfortunately, this is an insurmountable limit for filing a signal from the output of the satellite LNB in such network.
The problem can be solved by using transmodulator that converts DVB-S2 950MHz… 1050MHz signal to the DVB-C signal in any part of the 110MHz… 846MHz range.
Description of transmodulator can be viewed HERE.
All output channels of TV4U-4S/C transmodulator enter to the corporate network in the decoded form. In a hotel or office is sufficient to establish modern TV panels that necessarily(!) are equipped with a built-in DVB-C receiver. No need for additional Set-Top-Boxes and other remote controls!